davis made his first visit to charleston. he loved it so much that he didn't want to miss a wink. literally. he refused to lean back in his stroller for a much need nap on one of our strolls through the historic district. so instead, the stubborn child falls asleep slumped over on his arm and the side of the stroller. these pictures were taken at white point gardens (the battery) before that most comfy nap in the stroller.
charleston proved to be a very infant-friendly town. stroller-friendly? not so much. the oak roots and slate sidewalks gave davis' ride a good workout. i was a little worried that one of my favorite lunch spots was going to be a too small for us to go in. fast and french is about as wide as four arm lengths and there are five different counters that seat, um..., probably 30 to 35 people in the entire place. please imagine our problem as we were envisioning on where we were going to put away a stroller in this 13 foot wide cafe. but alas! as we were approaching the door another couple came out with a stroller and child too! there was hope. as we entered, the owner asked us "how many in your party? is a booster seat okay? alright, you sit there (pointing 3 ft away) and put bebe in the middle, okay?" yes! it was more than okay! jean marie mauclet was the hero of the day! now, the next problem arose. was i to have gazpacho and salad, or gazpacho and french cheese? lunch was wonderful. and even davis enjoyed goat cheese and olive paste toast, parts of a baguette, zach's honeydew and the littlest portion of gazpacho i was willing to share.
we enjoyed several play dates with friends. davis, molly and kate played so well together at mary's, and we couldnt' believe all three were on the same schedule. molly and kate were also very gracious to allow davis to swing the entire time on their new swing set while they took turns in the other seat. then on saturday night, we headed over to matt & barb's with the rest of the crew. it was quite a change in scenery. we had been used to going out with these seven couples after work and on the weekends seven years ago when zach & i first started dating. now here we were having an impromptu reunion with an additional eight pairs of legs and arms on hand. the kids almost had us outnumbered, but we finally figured the parents had it by 11:8. however, that only left 3 of us with free hands to help resolve any problems or search for wandering toddlers. matt & barb, you are the hosts of the year! how wonderful it was for you to have us big kids and 8 little kids (all under age 4) over to your beautiful home to wreck havoc and scatter toys, pizza crusts, cheerios and cookie crumbs ALL over the place. hannah was also the hostess with mostest to invite all to spend the night and wear extra pajamas.
a few more quick visits with janet, jessica, to king st., john's island, marion square, mount pleasant and the college of charleston rounded out our visit. we resisted packing up the car and heading home, but davis found a second wind as we did get back home. his face seemed to say, "hey! i know this place...this is my house. let's play with my stuff now, okay?"