not to go to sleep
pacifiers or "poppy" to davis and "baba" to allison
"my big wheel" - stress on the "my"
allison- kraft macaroni and cheese
davis - speghettios (with meatballs..even better)
basketball, football, soccerball...or any ball for that matter
did I say candy?
snacking with daddy
playgrounds and parks
the big peach
sleeping with mommy
and of course,
that harmonica.
allison, our little dare devil. she will climb or jump off anything. here she is a happy! happy! sitting on a tree by the creek. just a minute earlier, davis was crying to get down before he really ever got up.
my best chance to get their picture being still. i love that davis pooped out on the couch with his toes dangling above the floor.
i have finally figured out why they always put the signs on their heads first? .... i ask them to hold their signs up. and they interpret it literally. i guess that's why they do this. or maybe they just like to put things on their heads.
wouldn't you love to know what davis is ordering allison and darby to do? so would i.