i have deprived you, my loyal reader, from any sort of consistency in updating our blog. even now, as i look back at what i can upload.....all photos and videos date from 1-2 months ago. (and that's when i rounded up.)

so the photos i have chosen to share remind me of how we have deprived our children. yes, we take them to the circus. yes, we take them to disney on ice. yes, aunt amy spends her paycheck on snowcones, hats, spinners, and princesses and beasts. however, i have yet to purchase cotton candy for the kids. in fact, their first taste of the sticky, artificial blue fluffy stuff came from a lady sitting behind them at the circus which, i think...., was back in february.
so here are a few photos for the big event under the big top! if you do go to the circus again.....i HIGHLY recommend getting there for the performers meet & greet on the floor 1 hour before the event starts. it's not as insane as you think or it looks. very cool.
getting funky on a clown's pedestal in the ring!
a new addiction.

you've probably noticed allison's red dress/tunic lately. yes the child has more clothes than this. and i confess......this dress is size 24 months. what?! am i serious? yes. i. am.
originally purchased for her first trip to the circus in 2009, it was a little big. nothing stuffing a white onesie underneath and tights couldn't fix. now, two years later it wears as a tunic shirt over a pair of leggings or capris perfect for celebrating the cat and the hat's birthday or another trip to the circus. well, you can't say i didn't get my money's worth out of this "big blue box" store purchase.
by the way......the capris in the photos below are size 12 months. got to LOVE elastic and a very, skinny daughter!