davis saw his biggest tv this weekend. we drove to chapel hill to see the tarheels run laps around gardner-webb. not that we thought gwu would win. but we knew it would be our best chance to get tickets to a game inside the "dean dome." davis enjoyed watching the huge jumbotrons. he was a great sport. he stayed awake the entire game, even standing on our laps most of the time! he liked watching the game on the court and listening to the band in the section right next to us. but I think his most favorite part was the jumbotrons. he may even have been thinking, "now that's a tv!" grandaddy bill and uncle cricket will be so proud to know that davis has already started studying the game and paying close attention to sports.
we finished off the day with his first college tour where he liked looking at the bell tower, but fell asleep by the time we reach the well for a photo op. on our way back home, we stopped in to meet tom, lizzy and farley-dog. but davis was so tired by then he zoned out during most of the visit. or maybe he's just a bit shy already.
we're off to atlanta for thanksgiving this week. where there will be many granmoms waiting to get their hands on a baby. we hope your holiday is filled with much joy and happy times. and we give thanks for great friends like you.
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