there is a spanish tradition that at 12 am on the new year, you are supposed to eat (well, practically swallow) a grape at each of the 12 bell chimes at the stroke of midnight. davis didn't quite get ALL of his grapes in his mouth this time.
we all had a great holiday week. traveling to all corners of virginia and back home again. opening lots of presents, eating lots of jars of real baby food and other sweets and ice cream shakes not meant to be given to a baby. sleeping in to 8 a.m. taking two naps a day like davis, and taking advantage of after-holiday sales. this week has gone by too quickly. as much as i'd like to think i'll be glad not to have davis grabbing the skin on my neck with his little fingers, scratching my face with his bionic growing fingernails or pulling my hair by the fistful at all hours of the day...i'll miss the little booger when he goes back to daycare - tomorrow! honestly, yes there is a very small amount of relief in that thought.
davis is growing by the hour. we truly think that everytime we put him down for a nap or get him up in the morning he has grown in his sleep. he goes to bed fat and happy and wakes up long and skinny. and usually hungry. he changes daily right before our eyes learning new things, ways and tricks of how to manipulate the mama and daddy. his latest game is picking up anything (pacifier, rattle, toy, keys) and banging them on the table or floor. if he can't find anything to pick up, he'll just hit his own stomach with his fist.
i'd like to think we have a little man on our hands. but i'm afraid his growth spurts are so rapid that he's become a little monster at 20 1/2 lbs and 28 inches long. but he's our little purple monster.
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