allison and davis had their school pictures taken on thursday morning. so here we are practicing for a bit the night before. they each had an extra set of clothes for pictures that day just in case something happened. and of course, davis woke up with a bloody nose and allison spit up on her dress right before showtime. typical. last year, only one of davis' five poses turned out to be 'purchase-worthy.' thank goodness! those packages are so expensive! only this year with two kids, they take pictures of siblings seperately and together. we're going from 5 poses to 15 poses at a brazillion bucks a photo. i saw an ad in this week's paper for apply your 'summer vacation loans' now! what?! oh, i forgot - in the fall there will be ads for taking out loans to go to the fair. maybe i can call and inquire about school picture loans? ching, ching. or maybe we'll get lucky and davis will have a crusty, bloody nostril and allison will have spit up residue in all but 3 good photos.
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