davis walked in from the bedroom this morning. "mommy, i ( *#^%# ) daddy glasses on." how proud he was to be just like his dad. between my moment of surprise (another full sentence), terror (please don't break those glasses, please don't break those glasses) and joy (what a cute kid!), i said a quick prayer for a moment of stillness and hold the cuteness while i grabbed the camera.
what a whirlwind these last few weeks have been. zach's work schedule seems busier than ever. davis is speaking in full sentences and trying to say anything that passes by his ears. we lost grandaddy almond last saturday, nov. 22. i feel as though we lost one great talker and are now gaining another one. even in our sadness, we felt so much joy as davis ran in grandaddy's house, turned towards his chair, turned back to us and asked, "where's gandaddaddy?" how thankful we are that he knew and loved him too even if he can't comprehend the circle of life just yet.

granmom and dad winslett have a new roommate. his name was anchor, but now it is pinto because my granmom says i found her a little horse not a black lab. i've attached a photo of the kids playing in pinto's new crate because his was too small. pinto easily made himself at home in his new house and yard. and i'm sure he is getting all the love and attention in the world spending his days with granmom. lucky dog.

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