it's bathtime. davis and allison have washed each other's back and are playing with their water crayons. gas bubbles are released under water and davis says.....
that was my tummy!
Monday, March 23, 2009
here comes the class of 2028 & 2029
a couple weeks ago i was walking the kids around town in their red double decker. as we were about to load back up in the car, we could hear cheering and an announcer from across the street at gardner-webb. i told davis it sounded like a baseball game and he of course said "i wanna go." okay, what's one more stop? so we bypassed the car and kept strolling.
to my surprise we walked up on a field of blue, white and those ever familiar interlocking letters...... PC! "hey guys, gardner-webb is playing presbyterian! davis, can you say pc blue hose?"
pc blue hoze.
"okay, now say go blue hose."
go pc blue hoze.
that's my boy.
the few pc parents in the bleachers were very impressed by davis's enthusiastic cheering ability and support for the hose at such a young age. allison? well, she was more impressed with jumping in mud puddles and trying to climb to the top of the bleachers.
but my proudest moment was days after the game when we were back at home playing with davis's own tee ball set. he stood up to bat, i gave a "go davis!" cheer and he stopped, looked at me and corrected:
no. i'm blue hose.
you bet you are buddy! i'd love to see you play for pc one day. let's just start working on that scholarship, okay?
here are some pictures of allison and davis playing lunch cart at the playground. don't be fooled by the crumbs of dirt. they were whipping up hamburgers, hot dogs, ketchup for us and bones for darby.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
pictures? or stories?
decisions, decisions! i have ten short minutes to add a clever, entertaining post or do i just upload the cutest pictures of our two leprechauns from the past month. what to do!? well, i'll type as fast as i can before i am summoned to leprechaun duty. oh! too late. here comes the little person with biggest feet now....
pardon the interruption. however, now i cannot think of any specific entertaining stories to tell now that i'm back in front of the computer. just the general info. hmmmm........davis continues to build his conversation skills everyday telling us that he has to go to work at the office, get gas (which results in driving to the top of the driveway to pick grass and put it in his gas tank.) gas. grass. i wonder if he really thinks we are pumping grass in the car every week even though he can say both gas and grass clearly.
allison. her word of the day was cookie. but she says the word with a smile on her face and doesn't move her teeth. as if she is asking sweetly for a sweet. only like a ventriliquist. there's another wordly wise owl for you. adding new words each day. zoos = shoes. baba is still pacifier, not sure where that came from though. dadis = davis. and of course, her favorite word of all time......dah!dah! = darby! not to be confused with dada for 'you know who.' which leads me to make a decison on which pictures to add now that my time is definitely up.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
kids are napping. pictures are downloaded. i finally have a minute to add some photos from the past several weeks. only problem, is where do i start? i decided to go back to the beginning and slowly inch my way forward.
place: atlanta, georgia
time: saturday morning, february 21st
event: davis and allison's first circus!
car is loaded. children and adults are excited. grandaddy/papou, great-granmom (or as davis says, "granmom-the-great"), zach, myself and the kids are inching our way towards philips arena. davis has a great eye and calls out every circus billboard and airplane flying overhead on the way. we arrive to our destination. D and A are mesmerized by the popcorn and cotton candy stands as walk around the arena to find our seats. show starts. the kids sit still for about 15 minutes, then davis decides he would rather explore the halls and that there are better seats behind us at the top of the stairs. so zach and davis are off. allison makes it to intermission lounging cozily on grandaddy's lap. but then, she decides davis is right about playing in the aisle and those seats at the top. so now, zach and i take turns chasing after the kids for the second half of the greatest show on earth. all in all, it was a great show with elephants, horses, ponies, flying dogs, crazy motorcycles, silly clowns and good stunts. 

granmom the great,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
that is the best word to describe our household for the past few days (or weeks). it all started sunday night. allison threw up on herself about 1-2 hours after bedtime. the expulsions kept coming routinely through out the night. give her water. up it came. crackers. juice. tylenol. milk. right back up into the bathroom sink. if we were lucky.
this stomach bug was unlike the episode we had two weeks ago when davis threw up all over the bed, tossed and turned for 6 hours straight until 2 am in the morning when allison proceeded to wake up and vomit too. no, this little bug induced multiple episodes, dashes to the bathroom and quickly drawn baths.
monday morning we thought we were in the clear. no. allison decides not to keep her breakfast down. then that afternoon the bug moves down to the lower digestive system for another 24 hours.
its wednesday morning, i just declined a playdate for the kids with a friend and her two girls. even though we were in the clear for 24 hours, how horrible i would feel if stella or jasmine came down with the same bug. so instead i plan to take the kids to the ymca later that afternoon. until late morning when the bug hits me. oh great. well, i did say a prayer that i would rather be sick than to have allison feel so bad. now i have proof that God IS really listening. zach calls to see if we want to meet for lunch. kids? yes. me? no. i am so thankful he picked up the kids for a special two hour lunch with daddy!
5 o'clock. zach gets home from work. (briefly, though, since he'll have to go back before 7 for town board meeting.) i take another quick break on the couch. davis comes into the hall:
"mommy? mommy?"
"i'm right here davis, what do you need?"
- davis throws up all over the floor.
"mommy, its icky!"
zach grabs davis and darts to our bathroom. i proceed to clean up the ickyness on the floor. davis is instantly feeling better. we hear something else spilling on the floor. there is allison standing in the middle of the room surrounded by a big mess. i rush over to her to discover the top of her cup is loose and she has spilled her milk. oh thank goodness!
make a long story short. davis and i finally got over our bugs. zach did not escape either. its now five long days later and i'm hoping we have all been debugged, dewormed or whatever. although yellow, puny and icky, our children did have some very endearing moments even during sickness.
-while throwing up, davis says "i'm sick. mommy/or daddy, i'm sick."
-after davis threw up, he would immediately say "i'm not sick anymore. make it go away." however, he was referring to washing the vomit out of the tub not the feeling in his stomach.
-after getting out of the tub and cleaning up, he would say. "i'm not sick. i'm happy now."
-davis tells us that his pacifier tastes icky and orders us to wash it a dozen times. even if it is totally different pacifier.
-even when hit with the stomach bug, both davis and allison crave popcorn and milk.....i say, "icky" to that.
so i didn't mind holding allison all night on sunday when she was sick because i got to watch the snow fall down and cover the deck and yard with a perfect, thick white blanket 6-7 inches deep. unfortunately, allison wasn't really up to checking out the fluffy white snow on monday. and it was hard to get really good pictures of davis playing in the snow with only one free hand. i'll sort through the pictures later to post. kids are still up and i need to tuck them in.
this stomach bug was unlike the episode we had two weeks ago when davis threw up all over the bed, tossed and turned for 6 hours straight until 2 am in the morning when allison proceeded to wake up and vomit too. no, this little bug induced multiple episodes, dashes to the bathroom and quickly drawn baths.
monday morning we thought we were in the clear. no. allison decides not to keep her breakfast down. then that afternoon the bug moves down to the lower digestive system for another 24 hours.
its wednesday morning, i just declined a playdate for the kids with a friend and her two girls. even though we were in the clear for 24 hours, how horrible i would feel if stella or jasmine came down with the same bug. so instead i plan to take the kids to the ymca later that afternoon. until late morning when the bug hits me. oh great. well, i did say a prayer that i would rather be sick than to have allison feel so bad. now i have proof that God IS really listening. zach calls to see if we want to meet for lunch. kids? yes. me? no. i am so thankful he picked up the kids for a special two hour lunch with daddy!
5 o'clock. zach gets home from work. (briefly, though, since he'll have to go back before 7 for town board meeting.) i take another quick break on the couch. davis comes into the hall:
"mommy? mommy?"
"i'm right here davis, what do you need?"
- davis throws up all over the floor.
"mommy, its icky!"
zach grabs davis and darts to our bathroom. i proceed to clean up the ickyness on the floor. davis is instantly feeling better. we hear something else spilling on the floor. there is allison standing in the middle of the room surrounded by a big mess. i rush over to her to discover the top of her cup is loose and she has spilled her milk. oh thank goodness!
make a long story short. davis and i finally got over our bugs. zach did not escape either. its now five long days later and i'm hoping we have all been debugged, dewormed or whatever. although yellow, puny and icky, our children did have some very endearing moments even during sickness.
-while throwing up, davis says "i'm sick. mommy/or daddy, i'm sick."
-after davis threw up, he would immediately say "i'm not sick anymore. make it go away." however, he was referring to washing the vomit out of the tub not the feeling in his stomach.
-after getting out of the tub and cleaning up, he would say. "i'm not sick. i'm happy now."
-davis tells us that his pacifier tastes icky and orders us to wash it a dozen times. even if it is totally different pacifier.
-even when hit with the stomach bug, both davis and allison crave popcorn and milk.....i say, "icky" to that.
so i didn't mind holding allison all night on sunday when she was sick because i got to watch the snow fall down and cover the deck and yard with a perfect, thick white blanket 6-7 inches deep. unfortunately, allison wasn't really up to checking out the fluffy white snow on monday. and it was hard to get really good pictures of davis playing in the snow with only one free hand. i'll sort through the pictures later to post. kids are still up and i need to tuck them in.
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