a couple weeks ago i was walking the kids around town in their red double decker. as we were about to load back up in the car, we could hear cheering and an announcer from across the street at gardner-webb. i told davis it sounded like a baseball game and he of course said "i wanna go." okay, what's one more stop? so we bypassed the car and kept strolling.
to my surprise we walked up on a field of blue, white and those ever familiar interlocking letters...... PC! "hey guys, gardner-webb is playing presbyterian! davis, can you say pc blue hose?"
pc blue hoze.
"okay, now say go blue hose."
go pc blue hoze.
that's my boy.
the few pc parents in the bleachers were very impressed by davis's enthusiastic cheering ability and support for the hose at such a young age. allison? well, she was more impressed with jumping in mud puddles and trying to climb to the top of the bleachers.
but my proudest moment was days after the game when we were back at home playing with davis's own tee ball set. he stood up to bat, i gave a "go davis!" cheer and he stopped, looked at me and corrected:
no. i'm blue hose.
you bet you are buddy! i'd love to see you play for pc one day. let's just start working on that scholarship, okay?
here are some pictures of allison and davis playing lunch cart at the playground. don't be fooled by the crumbs of dirt. they were whipping up hamburgers, hot dogs, ketchup for us and bones for darby.
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