4 little, 5 little, 6 little princesses
7 little, 8 little, 9 little princesses
10 little princess girls!

cinderella, tinkerbell, thumbelina, aurora, belle and angelina ballerina were all present for the grand ball. liza was turning 3! and the big event called for a princess party.

a party it was! however being a true little diva, liza demanded that no mommies (aka paparazzi) were permitted to take pictures. especially of her. so many of us cameraholders tried to sneak in pics here and there, but she was as sharp as an owl. many times either getting in front of her friends with hands out to block the shot. eventually we broke her down and were able to get shots of all the princesses for a group photo.

allison the ballerina princess was on her best behavior practicing her social graces and most polite southern manners.

i see the future flash before my eyes. allison was so excited about the ring favors and too excited about the white tulle draping from the tent. slow down little one. your day will come. allison loves, now i mean LOVES!, her princess dresses. and who knew there would be different classes of princess dresses:
first you have your mommy's princess dress. the one you only see in pictures, have heard about it in the box and been told it's yours one day if you really want it. oh, i can't wait to find that box!
then there is the little white monogrammed eyelet dress. this one fits you, but you can only wear it to church or special occasions. so of course you want to wear it every sunday and wednesday or any day there is mention of going to church.
next is the pretend princess dress. that is the nappy white, favorite blanket that you pretend to wrap around you before bedtime, after bathtime, first thing in the morning, anytime of day. it's the softest most comfiest dress of all.
then all the pink, polka dot and flower dresses apply. the fluffier and longer the more deserving of princess attire. it's all about the twirl factor. twirl on allison. do your thing.
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