now you see her. now you don't. i think that is my new motto for allison. she flits. she flitters. she skips. she scoots. she puts her whole self in and then, just as quickly, takes her whole self out.
what am i referring to? well, mainly pictures. to try a capture a picture of this flutterbug is like trying to take a picture while driving down a cobblestone street. 'bout impossible. and then the moments you convince her to be still? yes, well, the stinker turns her back to you.

i am calling her party a success even though we had a couple of friends not check their mail and come to the park two weeks early. (you shall remain nameless! if it helps, i've missed the same flight twice, but that's another story.) allison forgot about uninviting everyone except dogs to her party and became quite the little hostess.....making sure she thoughtfully inspected every present, said thank yous and distributed hugs before moving on to the next colorfully wrapped package. even the boys were on their best behavior and served as doting onlookers rather than a bothersome bunch.
so much has been going on these last few weeks, i can't keep my mind wrapped around it much less find time to sit at the computer and punch a blog entry out.
let's see......allison turned 3. you knew this. davis started school yesterday! yes! YESTERDAY!!! how i am not sobbing on here, i don't know. i believe part is due to how much is going on, i don't have time to sit, sulk, and weep. allison gets to join davis in wednesday church activities (choir & mission friends class) which started 2 weeks ago. tball and soccer start next week. and allison starts dance tomorrow!!! playgroup started back up today and it was great to see a lot of friends of allison's and mine that we hadn't seen all summer.
so yes, i still have pictures to share from the 4th of july, beach vacay, visit to rockville, bday party, school, and more.... but listen to this.....davis has now shown interest in playing games on the computer via pbs kids, noggin, disney and (my favorite) starfall websites. he is so apt at navigating his way around with a mouse, zach has set him up with his own user key and password. and the kid gets it. logs in. plays. logs out. turns the computer off. so i'm having to working my blogging in around davis' gaming.
well i hope you all find yourselves with wonderfully cooler weather. winning football teams. and moments for yourself. thanks for taking the time to check in on us!

davis discussing lunchbox contents with allison and darby
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